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How to Change Your Eye Color


New Member
Apr 17, 2016
Have you ever wondered if you're able to change your eye color as well as make it lighter without setting up contacts were things can be wrong (once in a while) ? Well then this can be something that you need to hear.


Well most of people wanted there eyes to become colors or perhaps lighter therefore the by contacts from eye doctors or stores that sell them well my family have always wanted that even so wanted it to become permit i really went look at different companies the Internet asking eye doctors and and another way is to utilize pure organic honey and regular bottle water .

Honey can brighten your vision (hair or skin) or maybe change it. I'm pretty shall we be held all no after you were a baby, shall we say if your vision were blue as well as the first hit light when we that you were born it can be one color but we've got 3 shades of color in your eyes . whenever you use it for approximately 10 months and let's imagine you have brown lightly eyes when that 10 months you could have light brown then for 21/2 moths you'll have hazel eyes.

Depending on how much we utilize honey you it tells whether whether it will get lighter. The measures in do it is :

Pure Organic Honey (like from Walmart)
Regular bottle water (you may use tap water however, not to much)
first boil the lake and honey and set honey in while water is boiling (more honey than water)
make sure the mix is very watery .
then don it your old eye drops bottle the squeeze it within your eye (like 2 drops daily )

I learned through this experiment which it rule dose work where there are many different options to do things even simply being a new way of getting long hair I think this is quite helpful to people although you may hate putting contacts in or things within your eye period. i will make a good connection because a few of my friends and family desired to make there hair,eyes,and skin lighter.I chose to speak about this particular activity since this really interred me i enjoy finding out interesting things i am also recently putting this around my middle school science fair and i believe this is something people haven't truly know about and so i personally thought it was nice to share with you.
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New Member
Apr 17, 2016
okay i'm currently doing this and i would write a shorter version
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